Stratosphere: youngveenew rejuvenates your soul with his youth-like music

Photo Credit: Melon

Youngveenew crafts music that pulsates with raw youth-like energy and bares his soul through introspective lyrics. Drawing inspiration from The Beatles, his tracks are filled with catchy melodies and dynamic instrumentation. This influence is especially evident in his debut EP, “[NEVER YOUNG AGAIN]”, which seamlessly blends classic rock sensibilities with modern energy. Since his debut in 2018, he has also slowly expanded and created his own musical sound that feels both familiar and refreshingly distinct. 

Photo Credit: Bugs!

Rejuvenate your soul with these 3 tracks from youngveenew.

1. My Nostalgia

This track is a melancholic ballad that explores the vulnerability and lingering pain of growing up in an uncertain world. The bittersweet nature of nostalgia captured in this song will hit home and provide a sense of comfort to all listeners.

I still can’t forget those ecstatic days
I’m at an age where I’m afraid of tomorrow

2. Our 21st Century

He recounts the confusion of his youth and how it was a period marked by self-discovery and a struggle with identity. Diving into the universal experience of feeling lost and searching for purpose in an ever-changing century, this song is a standout that will resonate with youths all over the world.

Where does my youth flow?
I’m trying to catch it
Where did my pain flow from?
I’m trying to love

3. Come, Come, Come

His latest single expresses gratitude to those around him who have helped him during difficult and frustrating situations. It is an uplifting one that invites listeners to share their stories and embark on this journey together to find answers to life. 

Come, come, come, listen to my problem
Come, come, come, be my song
Come, come, come, I will be in your presence

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